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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bermuda Triangle :

No doubt you have wondered about the Bermuda triangle . It is the greatest, Modern Mystery of our apparently well understood world a region of the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda , Miami, Florida and San Juan, Perto Rico were disappearances of ships and planes not only continue but also continue to defy explanation .Many ships and aircrafts disappeared in this region of deadly triangle ie,. Bermuda triangle . Scientist , researchers and invaders made many efforts to solve the mystery behind the deadly region and vanishing phenomenon . But instead of particular result or conclusion, their finding save birth to various and diversified fictions, ideas or beliefs.
Numerous theories attempting to explain the many disappearances have been offered throughout the history of the area. Few believe in supernatural power, which attracts the things around the triangle from the sky and sea. Few believe in high gravitational force because of which things get attracted into the sea and vanished. Also there is belief that the triangle is region of ghosts destroys the things around them who try to disturb them or enters in their area.
The most practical seem to be environmental and those citing human error.The majority of disappearances can be attributed to the areas unique environmental features.First , magnetic compass does point towards true north. Normally it points towards magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. It this compass variation or error is not compensated for a navigator could find himself far off.course and in deep trouble. Whatever may be the theory or belief but the mystery still in dark and unsolved.

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