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Friday, March 19, 2010

Plant Records:Tree,Flower,leaves,Roots,Seed

1 The Smallest Plant :The smallest plant is the duckweed Wolffia arrhiza, which has fronds less than 1mm across.
2 The Biggest Plant: The biggest plant is the Giant Sequioa tree called General Sherman is California which is 83m tall and 24m round the trunk.
3 The Oldest Plant: The oldest plant is lichen in Antarctica thought to be more than 10,000 years old.
4 The Tallest Tree: A Eucalyptus in Victoria, Australia , is 143m tall.
5 The biggest Flower: The biggest flower is the Rafflesia of Indonesia, which has blooms more than 2m across.
6 The biggest water Plant: The biggest water plant is the Amazon water lily, which has leaves more than 2m across.
7 The biggest leaves: The biggest leaves belong to the raffia palm, which can grow up to 20m long.
8 The Deepest Roots: The deepest roots belong to a fig tree growing in South Africa , which has roots down more than 120m.
9 The Biggest Seed: The biggest seed is the coco de mer coconut, which weighs up to 20kg.

10 The Fastest Growing Plant : The fastest growing plant is the bamboo , which can grow 1m in a single day

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