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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Enabling forces to creep up on enemy ships, Launch surprise attacks; Submarines add a new dimension to warfare. As a result , these powerful craft played an important role in both world wars. Submarines also have peaceful uses they can be used to discovering new species of marine life, explore the deep , dark trenches of the ocean.

How does Submarines dive ?
The hull of a submarine has two walls and in between these walls are large containers called ballast tanks. When the tanks contain air, the submarine floats on the surface. When tanks are gradually filled with water. This makes the vessel heavier so that it dives towards the bottom of the ocean. When it is time to surface , compressed air is released into the ballast tanks to force the water out.

Why do Submarines have hydroplanes ?
Submarines wings called hydroplanes. These can be moved up and down in order to help submarines climb and dive. The hydroplanes can also tilt submarines sideways to change direction.

How useful are nuclear Submarines ?
The Submarines below is powered by an onboard nuclear reactor. The Advantage of this form of power is that the craft can sail an almost unlimited distance without the need to refuel. This is useful in wartime , when vessels may have to travel thousands of kilometers from the port.

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